The following rant is in regard to my personal feelings on the topics of excessive breeding for religious reasons, gay marriage and the nature of homosexuality in general.  If you are easy to offend on any of these topics, please read no further.

If you can respect that this is my blog, my feelings and my rules... than please, read on.

[NOTE:  I could not figure out how to make the 'insert jump break' work to cut the post - so you're just going to have to live with not reading any further rather than clicking in to see the rant.  Sorry!!]

I usually stay quiet about things like this.  I've learned my lesson on speaking my mind.  I stay out of the news and whatever mainstream media is hyping these days.  One time, I re-posted an anti-Obama meme, to which one of my best and most trusted friends immediately screamed back RACIST, and promptly unfriended me.  So, that was that, I learned to shut the hell up, because in all reality, it doesn't matter WHAT your personal views are, the moment you take them from private to public, you are going to catch hell from someone!  I used to have a workplace rule that stated up front that I would never discuss religion, relationships or politics in the work place.  As my blogging is essentially my job now, I believe I have crossed that over here as well.  

I have a secret blog for my rants, and perhaps I should be posting this there, but I've made a personal choice to stand up against bullying of any kind, and this one hit my bully triggers.  


Earlier today I came across this post as a trending topic on the book of faces...

I will admit, I reposted it because something in the article PISSED ME OFF!!

"No individual's sexual behavior and chosen lifestyle has the right to redefine marriage"
To which I responded:
"CHOSEN!!! Utter BULLSHIT!!!  Using ones vagina like a frakking clown car is a CHOICE. Homosexuality is NOT."

Now, I have a LOT of Facebook friends that are on my friends list for only one reason.  We all play the same, addictive, little Facebook game.  So, sufficive to say, I don't really KNOW these people all that well, and none of them really know me.  That's fine!  That's fair.  But, one of them had the uppity gumption to respond back with a "If you don't like the show, don't watch it", and then proceeded to tell me that Mr. Vagina = Clown Car had simply found a more economical way to raise a large family and that in her book that makes him a "Smart Man".

Yeah... she said that.

So... holy fuck, where do I even start?

I'll start with the quicker point, which is actually the latter of the two that I'll be addressing in this rant.

For starters: Exploiting your horde of bible brainwashed spawn, and your poor wife's tired and stretched out vagina for TV ratings that result in great personal profit and your giant house actually being bought, built by and paid for by the network is NOT the same as being economically sound.  It is the modern day equivalent of selling snake oil.

Right... so... moving right along to my second point, which is the 'if you don't like the show, don't watch it.'

Oh my dear and fluffy lord... I am SO SO SO thankful that the Beloved One has at least been marginally successful in training me to not openly respond to such attempts to bait me into an internet shouting match.

I didn't respond.  I just deleted her comment.  She'll probably unfriend me if she reads this, but that's fine, I don't really care.


HAD I been baited into a fight, I might have responded with "Don't like gay marriage, don't get one!"

Stating that one person's right to speak and do as they wish, stipulating that if you don't like it, don't agree with it, or really just outright fucking hate it... then just ignore it.  If it doesn't exist in your mindset, then it can't piss you off, is the very antithesis of proactivity.  It doesn't open the doors for any sort of meaningful dialog that could eventually result in acceptance.  But, on the other hand, what else are we left with?

Reality check Sarah Anne... some people are just really set in their outdated, backwards ways of thinking.  It's the same mindset that has set off nearly every war and resulted in an unquantifiable amount of innocent men, women and children being enslaved, tortured and outright slaughtered.  It has happened in every country and has used various forms of perceived privilege and righteousness as it's excuse for inflicting so much pain and misery.  At any time in history, if any culture simply stated, "Please, let's handle things peacefully." they're immediately mowed down by conquering forces.  We are a worldwide culture of BULLIES, and religious bullies are the worst because they actually think their actions are sanctioned, and often times even commanded, by their version of god.

Peaceful people just don't live long enough to make friends.

So, what are we left with?  We have to stand up.  We have to fight back.

Unfortunately, this is almost always responded to by the oppressors screaming that they themselves are the ones being oppressed!  My cries of 'stop forcing your morality on me!' are met with 'No!  You stop forcing your chosen lack of morality on me!'  The simple act of just getting along, ignoring what aggravates us, and moving on with our own lives just get's buried under all this fucking HATE.

It's not that I 'don't like the show'.  It's not even the fact that turning ones vagina into a clown car is terribly offensive to me.  It's not the fact that these poor children are being raised to believe that a woman's only value lies in how many offspring she can churn out before her body caves in like a balloon with the air let out.  It's not any of that.

It's the idea one's belief system... be that ANY belief system... somehow gives them the right to DICTATE to others what their own, personal, private belief system should be.  It's this idea that some people are literally convinced that they've been chosen by a divine force and charged with the responsibility of converting all they encounter to worship that particular model of divinity.

It doesn't matter that my own personal and very private beliefs center on a 'live and let live' mentality.  It doesn't matter if I want to find peaceful resolution to the worlds problems.  All that matters is that if I try to remain peaceful, I'm going to get mowed the hell down like so many before me, and if I stand up for what I believe in instead, well then I'm pretty much just as bad as the people I'm defending myself against.  It's a lose/lose, and I'm naturally predisposed to appreciate the win/wins so much more.

So, those are my ranty thoughts on vagina clown cars and how I feel about a belief system dictating such things as who I love, who I fuck and how I should either love them or fuck them.  But, I also promised to address something on the thoughts of homosexuality in general.

There is documented, scientific proof, that homosexuality is not a choice.

Being gay is not a lifestyle 'choice'.  It never has been, and it never will be.

Now, bible thumpers can argue all they want that their little book, and their little belief in their little book, somehow trumps science, but you know what?  They can all just fuck right the hell off.

Do we still believe the earth is the center of the universe:?

Do we still believe the world is flat?

Some ideas, while perfectly sound in their time, have been scientifically PROVEN to be FALSE.

Do I, personally, believe that science has all the answers?  No, not really.  Science itself is pretty clear on the fact that there are some things it just can't touch.  But, in all fairness, there are somethings that are spiritually just wonky as all get out that science can explain.  There are some scientists and spiritualists that have managed to find a balance between the two extremes and have been able to resolve the discrepancies within their own understanding of the universe and how it works.  I don't claim to be a scientist who has accepted spirit.  But I will claim to be a spiritualist who has accepted science.

This idea that being gay is somehow wrong just because it won't naturally produce offspring is based on an outdated philosophy that humans have been commanded by god to 'be fruitful, and multiply'.

Fact:  The earth is overpopulated.

Sorry god, you are wrong.  It's a scientific fact that humans have been spreading like a cancer across this pretty little globe and fucking things up a thousand different ways for far, far too long.

Fact:  There are needy children out there who have no family to love them and no place to call home.

Fact:  There have been well documented cases of rather upstanding examples of humanity having been raised by two gay parents.  Oh, and by the way... some of them turned out STRAIGHT.

If I had my way, I'd marry every gay couple that wanted to get married, give them a couple of kids that no one else wants and let them live out their days in PEACE.

~sigh~ And then there are articles like this, that claim that most gay relationships don't last longer than 3 years, because love and sex aren't enough to sustain a normal, happy relationship.

News flash dick head, have you looked at the divorce rate amongst heterosexual couples lately?

FOR FUCKS SAKE!!  Open your eyes people!

Here is the HONEST truth from MY PERSPECTIVE.  (keep in mind, I'm an American, so this is strictly from an American point of view, I don't know how other cultures weigh in on this.)  Practically from the moment we leave the womb, we are subjected to a multitude of scenarios that promise us a lifetime of happiness once we find our 'true love'.  We are force fed Disney Princesses in our childhood, which inevitably evolves into the American Dream.

Go to college.  Get a good paying job.  Get married.  Have 2.5 kids, a cat, a dog, a minivan and a white picket fence and it's a cakewalk from there!  Happiness is assured!! {Would you like to know more?}

IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT ANYMORE!!!  I'm not sure it ever did!  Truthfully, I think the rock solid Ward and June Cleaver marriages that got us through the 50's just never dissolved because 'oh my gosh, what would the neighbors think!?!?'

The fastest way to kill a serious romance is to turn it into a serious relationship.  I've been with the Beloved One for going on seven years.  We are romantic with each other EVERY day.  We are loving, we are considerate, we are kind to one another.

Are we ever getting legally married?  HELL NO!!  Fuck that shit.

ANWAY!  Sorry, got off topic there... but, it's a rant... this thing is meant to happen.  Anyway...

To wrap up:

  1. Vaginas are not clown cars.
  2. There is no bully worse than a religious bully.
  3. Being gay is not a choice.
  4. Marriage fucking sucks anyway, but if you're convinced it will make you happy, you should have the right to go for it.

Okay, we done?  Good.



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