Little One :)
Labels: Little One
Been a while since I had an identity crisis... (hello Darkness, my old friend)
I keep thinking I should blog here more often...
... I mean, I have a Facebook fan page for this blog and everything.
The issue is, what the fuck do I blog about?
I'm going through one of those identity crises that we Borderlines are so fluent in.
Do, I blog about my mental health?
Well, guess what, I already have a mental health blog. It's under a pen name because I'm keeping some details private when it comes to my mental health, but that hasn't stopped me from sharing the blog with others. Hell, it's even linked to on my Scribophile Profile Page.
My mental health blog is also closely tied to my Ghost Story (erotica) blog... even though I've not posted there in ages either. I haven't needed to write a Ghost Story in a long time because my current, actual work in progress is technically a Ghost Story.
You see, Ghost is this imaginary lover that lives in my head. Whenever I'm feeling sexually dissatisfied, I'll usually end up fantasizing about someone (real or not) and those fantasies would eventually make it into the Ghost Story blog.
Neither of these blogs are really private anymore. I send people to them all the fucking time.
Okay... so, maybe I should blog about my writing?
Well, guess what again, I already have a professional writer website/blog.
I have my overarching identity, Sarah Anne Smith. But, it's perfectly well known that if I write anything Psychological Horror, it's going under the pen name Amanda Harris (and she has her own Facebook and blog). If I write anything Erotica/Romance related, it's going under the pen name of Jezzabeth Sparrow.
BOTH Amanda and Jezzabeth USE that website (which hasn't been updated in fucking forever).
So, here we are in pure identity crisis mode.
Who owns what?
Who the hell is Sarah Anne Smith, or Companion Anne anymore?
Everything used to have these clearly defined boundaries on who was who and what got posted where, but now all those lines are blurred.
It could be said that Companion Anne would be for general Sarah Anne updates, but most of those end up in the mental health blog anyway.
This is all pretty fucking confusing.
Thanks for listening to me whine.
Labels: Just Random Thoughts
Acceptable Substitutions:
I wound up fucking off the yoga two days in a row... but, hear me out. I think I'm actually justified in this. (this time, anyway)
A significant portion of my yoga poses are designed to strengthen me where I become the most fatigued during/after some seriously hot sex.
Okay... so, I had an intimate encounter last night. Zero fatigue both during and after.
This morning I accidentally slept in by about 30 minutes, and then coffee and I were slow going because I was responding to messages and updating my private journal and my other blog with a great deal of information.
I was still about to *start* the yoga before 11 am. And that's my rule. I try to be DONE by 11 am, but on slow mornings it's okay if I at least start it by 11.
At 10:45 I received an important phone call. Someone who means more to me than the yoga itself. Someone worthy of taking my time away from my usual routine. As we talked I paced up and down my hallway and during the course of our conversation, my Fitbit signaled that I'd reached my step goal for the day.
Okay, so, technically I DID exercise. Both last night and this morning. So, I'm letting the yoga go for another day. I still feel a little 'off/guilty' about it. But I'm sure I'll be able to let that go soon enough.
Labels: #gratitude , Bad Ass in Training , Beloved One , Health , This is why I rock! , Weight Loss , work/life balance
Happy Mother Fucking New Year...
Labels: Kill Me Now , Little One , RANT , Sunday Sanity
A day in the life of thwarting paradox...
My Spawn came with me to see my therapist yesterday.
My therapist and I agree that she and I have the same brain.
This is the same therapist that I've suggested many a show to. She now trusts my entertainment savviness completely.
Spawn and I told the story of how I now have Spawn addicted to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Originally she was unsure of it. So I made the same deal with her that I did when it was Doctor Who and Supernatural. One episode a day and then she can go back to her anime.
Buffy 1.1 ends in a cliffhanger. She was so annoyed and had me queue up 1.2. By then she was hooked and she finished 1.4 just before bedtime.
It's been nearly a non-stop Buffyfest since then.
My therapist just looks at Spawn, laughs and says "See! That's how she gets you!"
Spawn: "I know, right!?"
Then the three of us proceeded to co-geek the fuck out of Supernatural. It's a wonder we get any therapy in at all, LOL.
There are times I wonder if my therapist and I are cast in someone else's favorite show. That episode would have been killer.
Labels: #SPNfamily , Doctor Who , Fandom , Geek Girl , Geek Parenting , Little One , This is why I rock!
Um... (omg) Merry Frakkin Christmas indeed!!
This year, for all the holidays, I am totally, completely, and absolutely alone. For _reasons_.
My plan for today was to continue to get some critiques done, while continuing to agonize over the snag in my current narrative.
This morning I was just going through my daily routine, which includes a brief check-in to my favorite author sharing site.
So, I posted my whole damn sob story (edited for content, of course). The trauma from a few years ago. My reemergence as an author. The rough year that 2016 was, and concluding with my current plot hole dilemma.
"I've hit this snag. Do I choose door 1, 2, or 3 - would love advice from the pro's, but can't post until I can pay to re-join."
I never expected to get lucky.
But, I did.
I just got the email.
My account has been upgraded.
I can now start posting my work for professional advice.
* * *
Labels: #amwriting , #BestDayEVER , #friends
What's behind Door Number Three?
- Continue to follow the pacing guide. Put my trust in the WAY MORE EXPERIENCED author who generated said pacing guide.
- Throw caution to the wind. Fuck the pacing guide. Extend my midpoint and let my crisis flow naturally.
Labels: #amwriting , Kill Me Now