Um... (omg) Merry Frakkin Christmas indeed!!

This year, for all the holidays, I am totally, completely, and absolutely alone. For _reasons_.

My plan for today was to continue to get some critiques done, while continuing to agonize over the snag in my current narrative.

This morning I was just going through my daily routine, which includes a brief check-in to my favorite author sharing site.

Today I noticed a thread in the forums: "Who needs a free membership?" - the poster continued with the exposition that two, free, 1-year membership upgrades were up for grabs. Please comment with how/why premium would be helpful.

So, I posted my whole damn sob story (edited for content, of course). The trauma from a few years ago. My reemergence as an author. The rough year that 2016 was, and concluding with my current plot hole dilemma.

"I've hit this snag. Do I choose door 1, 2, or 3 - would love advice from the pro's, but can't post until I can pay to re-join."

I never expected to get lucky.

But, I did.

I just got the email.

My account has been upgraded.

I can now start posting my work for professional advice.

* * *



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This is just the place I come to share all my thoughts about 'Him'.
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